Charme Studio Charme Studio

Dreary Weather Doesn’t Have to Mean Dry Skin and Nails

Raise your hand if you’re SO sick of this weather?! Because… same.  If you’re in Washington, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about (okay to be fair this isn’t just in Washington).  It is cold, off and on rainy, even some snow… in February!!! I’m completely over it.  But here’s the thing, your skin and nails are probably more over it than you.  

If you’ve noticed you’re extra dry (especially on your hands and feet), today I’ll be sharing some easy tips to help you combat dryness and keep those hands and nails looking amazing even when the weather sucks!  I’ll also be shamelessly plugging some of our amazing products we sell here at Charme Studio throughout this post… but hey, when you sell the best you have to share, right?

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Charme Studio Charme Studio

What does your $15 pedicure really mean? If you guessed “unsafe illegal practices” you’re probably right...

Have you ever wondered how it is that some nail salons can charge $10 for a manicure and $15 for a pedicure?  As the cost of living rises, somehow the shop you went to 10 years ago is still peddling the same cheap rates… which is curious but… who’s really going to complain about a bargain? And have you ever been in a pinch so you went to that one down the street that costs practically nothing but you had the vague feeling of being part of an assembly line?

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