Charme Studio Charme Studio

Is that much deserved pedicure really worth the risks while pregnant?

We’ve been getting A LOT of questions lately about whether or not it is safe for pregnant ladies to come in and get their nails done. As Mother’s Day is right around the corner -- May 12th for those who didn’t know -- I thought now would be the perfect time to address this topic and put it to bed once and for all!

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Charme Studio Charme Studio

Sandal Season is upon us: here’s what you need to know!

The sun is coming out and it is officially SANDAL SEASON! Can I get an amen for that?! Aaaa-mennn! Washington’s weather can be a little underwhelming -- unless you’re into endless dreary days -- but our Spring and Summer are to die for. As you get ready to celebrate the warmer months, and likely take your toes out of hiding, there’s a few things you should keep in mind when heading to a nail shop…

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Charme Studio Charme Studio

Is a reduction of infection causing microorganisms appealing to you? Or would you prefer total elimination? Learn why a medical grade autoclave is part of our safety standards

It is about time I gave you the skinny on sterilizing.  I know, this isn’t exactly a sexy topic, but you know what else isn’t sexy?  Having to get toe surgery because you got an infection from tools being used by a nail shop that doesn’t properly sanitize!  In my humble opinion, losing a toenail is a whole lot less sexy than taking the time to make sure that the place you get your nails done is following the proper steps.

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Charme Studio Charme Studio

What does your $15 pedicure really mean? If you guessed “unsafe illegal practices” you’re probably right...

Have you ever wondered how it is that some nail salons can charge $10 for a manicure and $15 for a pedicure?  As the cost of living rises, somehow the shop you went to 10 years ago is still peddling the same cheap rates… which is curious but… who’s really going to complain about a bargain? And have you ever been in a pinch so you went to that one down the street that costs practically nothing but you had the vague feeling of being part of an assembly line?

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